Look Around

Tuesday, July 23

Open Doors

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about "broadening my horizons." I have always been one to think I know exactly what I want to do, and exactly what class will land me that internship, which internship will land me what job, etc. But after enlightening conversations with two people who influence me beyond belief, I'm realizing that is the furthest thing from true. The truth is-- I have a lot of interests. Lots of passions. Lots of things I want to accomplish.

Debating was the first activity I can honestly say I was passionate about. As nerdy as it was, in high school, I anxiously awaited 7th period (this was when I usually got out early for competitions) like it was recess. Nothing compares to that feeling when you pulled up to a competition at a neighboring high school. That feeling when you weren't sure if you would rather puke or jump for joy that your shining moment (hopefully) is near. Whether I won the round or lost, I would obsess over my notes and brainstorm what I should have said. There is just something about successfully, meticulously proving a point, whether it be for the "W" or a person.

This first passion of mine, I can't seem to shake. At the moment, I am still not sure how I will encompass this in my future career, but franky, I am not worried about it. As long as I keep my options open, the universe will work as it wills.

As G told me, "Don't narrow your horizons until a door shuts in your face." ... or something like that.

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