Look Around

Monday, January 7


I am no newbie to the blog world. At this point, I am nervous to Google search my name as I might come across the embarrassments that were my previous blogs as a silly, naive pre-teen. Now at 19-years-old, but surely still a bit naive, I know what I want to express in this new, lasting blog. This is “Tickets, Please”.

“Tickets, Please”. A phrase heard so often, so often over-looked. Whether embarking on Flight 633 to Athens, stepping onto the Acela en route to New York Penn Station, walking through the stoic doors of a theater on Broadway, or preparing to see the new art exhibit at the Philadelphia Art Museum, “Tickets, please,” is what you will hear. The common theme in this phrase, regardless of the location of you hear it, is that you don’t know what is coming next. The ensuing few hours, days, or weeks are a complete mystery. How will you feel? What will you see? What will you do/hear/learn/think/observe/taste? Sure, you might have some pre-conceived notions and expectations, but nothing is guaranteed. The only thing known is that an adventure is beginning. What is in store for you is unknown, but whatever happens is for a reason and molds you into a wiser being. That is the kind of adventure life is about. That is what I aspire this blog will be for myself and my readers— a series of adventures. So, tickets, please.

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